Bill Mitchell has a BASED Plan for Regime Change in Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

While most of the Trump base is reeling from the Syrian attack and subsequent events, one guy is keeping his feels in check.

Sometimes on the internet you look at some series of characters and your brain recognizes them as something other than what they are and then when you see them again your brain draws up that same phenomes it had wrongly attributed to the characters.

If that sounds confusing – and it probably should – let me give you an example.

The first time I saw Bill Mitchell’s twitter handle, I read it as @mitchavelli, a play on his own name and “Machiavelli.” I thought that weird and clever and told me something quirky about his clearly bizarre persona.

Recently, I realized that his twitter handle is @mitchellvii – “Mitchell 7.”

It was a disappointing realization.

After the Syrian strike, Mitchell is the only apparent guy from the old original Trump movement defending Trump’s weird act. And he isn’t even claiming it is some kind of chess game – he’s coming out like “yeah, regime change in the Middle East is good.”

He trying to force-meme “#FakeBase” to refer to Trump’s base who is supporting his stated positions rather than the weird thing he is now doing.

Of course, we are still the Trump base. We are the people who supported Trump because he was different. If we wanted Middle Eastern regime changing, we would have just supported Hillary, Jeb or Marco. Trump’s base is his base because they cared about what he was saying, not because they just thought he was a fun guy.

Of course Trump’s base should be speaking out against this, rather than going along like a bunch of cucks.

He’s even going so far as to tell people who disagree with a war with Syria to leave the country.

He says he’s believing it’s real because it is real in his mind.

And then there’s this.

Well, Bill.

Here’s the thing.

If he’s lying and incompetent on building the wall, deporting millions of Mexicans, ending free trade, fixing Obamacare, empowering the police, etc. then we will also disagree with him there.

He told us “NO MORE FOREIGN WARS,” he told us he wanted to be friends with Russia, and that is what we voted for, that is what we supported.

That is the reason we were his base.

Supporting a politician is not a marriage, where you are obligated to stick by a person through thick and thin, overlook bad behavior and try to find the good in them because you made a vow to an imperfect human being. You support a politician because of their politics.

Mitchell is purposefully mixing his attack on anyone who disagree with starting another war in the Middle East with the people who are literally flipping out. I have argued that we shouldn’t completely flip out just yet, but the people who are completely flipping out are acting more logically than Bill Mitchell.

The Rest of the Base

By “base” we would be referring to the people who supported Trump during the primaries. The rest of the voters just voted for him because he was not Hillary.

Bill Mitchell was someone that supported him in the primaries, but as far as I can tell, he is the only media figure who did so who is now supporting the Syria attack.

Mitchell did a debate with Paul Joseph Watson, who is against it.

He will be debating today Stefan Molyneux, who is against it.

Alex Jones has come out hard against it.

He’s actually claiming America is already invading Syria, which, as far as I can tell, is not true.

The Iron Mike of all media went on Jones last night and denounced the strikes.

Ann Coulter has just about had a nervous breakdown.

Michael Savage (who is actually a Jew) has come out against it, going so far as to blame Jews and Israel.

Tucker Carlson hasn’t come out and aggressively denounced it, but he has brutalized Lindsey Graham over her support for it (note that he’s only had one show since it happened – we’ll be very interested to see what he says tonight).

And of course, the whole of the real Alt-Right is 100% against it (other than the chess move crowd, who are against it if it is something other than an interdimensional chess move).

So what about the rest of the base, which is working and middle class white people?

Well, they don’t have a voice, so we don’t know what they’re thinking.

But they’re the people who went and fought these last wars for the Jews in the Middle East, so I can’t imagine they’re too happy either.

I still believe in “wait and see.”

This is all a very recent development.

But of everything that I’m seeing as I wait, nothing is making me feel better.