Bill Mitchell’s Man in Israel Confirms Assad did Chemical Attacks (It Doesn’t Even Need to Make Any Sense)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2017

Well, that settles it.

Bill Mitchell’s man in Israel has confirmed that the chemical attack was done by Assad. And if there’s one thing I know about God’s chosen people, it’s that they don’t ever lie.

In fact, the Jews are so famously truthful that at the Nuremberg Trials, an entire nation was convicted of committing a genocide based exclusively on the eye-witness accounts of Jews.

So, if you’re like “but yeah though, but why would he gas his own people though, especially though when US just said he can stay in power though?” then you need to shut your dumb goyim mouth, and accept that Jews never lie, and Assad is actually just totally insane, so there is no need for a logical reason to explain his behavior.

Putin might have also been in on this gassing. Like, you know, Putin called up Assad and was like “do you have any gassings you’re going to do against you own people? because I want in on it.”

This is all REAL NEWS from people such as Bill Mitchell.