Billionare New York Mayor Gets a Million Dollar Prize for Being a Good Jew

Jerusalem Post
October 21, 2013

Jew BloombergNew York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will receive the Genesis Prize, a $1 million award organizers are calling the “Jewish Nobel Prize,” The New York Times reported on Monday.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will present the award to Bloomberg at a ceremony in Jerusalem in May, according to the Times.

The award, established by the Genesis Philanthropy Group, aims to honor “exceptional people whose values and achievements will inspire the next generation of Jews.”

The charity was founded by Russian Jewish billionaires, who donated $100 million to pay for the prize for years to come.

Bloomberg, the first to receive the award, was chosen from more than 200 nominees, because of his “track record of outstanding public service and his role as one of the world’s greatest philanthropists,” the prize committee said.

The incumbent New York mayor said he was honored to receive the award.

“Many years ago, my parents instilled in me Jewish values and ethics that I have carried with me throughout my life, and which have guided every aspect of my work in business, government, and philanthropy. The Genesis Prize embraces and promotes those same values and ethics — a common thread among the Jewish people worldwide that has helped move humankind forward for centuries,” Bloomberg said in a statement to the Times.

Bloomberg, whose net worth according to Forbes is $31 billion, plans to donate the $1 million prize to a charity to be named at a later stage, the Times reported.

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