Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2014

The Church of England appears to constantly be trying to do outdo the Catholic Church in treason against her own people.
The latest affront to Christendom comes from Lord Harries, a former Bishop of Oxford, who wants to see Prince Charles’ coronation service started with a reading from the Koran.
There was a time when the Church correctly identified the Muslims as an army of anti-Christs set on conquering Europe. The Muslims haven’t changed, they are still set on subjugating Europe and are still enslaving our White women and children. Yet this twisted Bishop wants to be even more accommodating to them and have their Satanic book read out at our Christian coronation ceremony.
Traditionalist Christians have reacted with righteous indignation at this, with Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute voicing their dismay in the Daily Mail:
Most people will be amazed at the idea that a Christian leader would consider the use of the Koran at a Christian service in a Christian abbey.
People are just so disappointed when senior Church of England figures lose confidence in the claims of the Christian faith.
Andrea Minichiello Williams, the head of Christian Concern also had this to say:
At a time when we are looking at what British values mean, we cannot have values in a vacuum. British values stem from our Christian heritage.
We cannot pretend all religions are the same, or have the same benefits and outcomes for the nation.
Even the Jew-loving Douglas Murray of the Spectator was shocked by the Bishop and asked whether the Muslims would be returning the favor by praying for the King and the Armed Forces at their Friday prayers every week.
Its about time the Church of England actually remembered who her enemies are, put a stop to trying to ‘embrace’ them and started calling for the de-frocking of Bishops that do.
There will be nothing ‘English’ or ‘Christian’ about the Church left, if they dont.