Bizarre Black Road-Rager Kills Horse, Flips Its Rider, Then Flees from the Scene of the Crime

February 3, 2015

Chloe Sloan was hospitalized with a broken collar bone and her horse killed when the Black madman drove straight into her.

Volusia County deputies arrested an alleged hit-and-run driver accused of ramming his truck into a horse and its rider Sunday.

Christopher Todd, 21, was arrested after deputies stopped him for speeding 30 miles away from the crash, which happened at French Landing along the St. Johns River near Orange City.

Deputies said the victim was at the landing with her friends giving their horses a break when Todd almost drove his Dodge Ram truck into the river.

When the truck came to a stop, someone in the group asked Todd to not speed and a verbal altercation followed, deputies said.

Police say that it may have been a ‘racist’ word that sent Christopher Todd into his deadly rage.

Deputies said someone in the group yelled a racial slur at Todd, who then drove off, made a U-turn and sped toward toward the group.

Deputies said Todd intentionally rammed into one of the horses, Tennessee Walker, and its rider, Chloe Sloan, 23.

Sloan was thrown off the horse and landed on the hood of Todd’s truck.

Deputies said Todd continued pressing the gas as Sloan fell off the hood.

She ran to a wooded area to take cover as Todd circled around the dying horse before driving away, according to reports.