Black Abortion Doctor Who Collected Dead Babies Found Dead

Free Patriot
December 2, 2013

Twisted Black ‘Doctor’ Joseph Booker.

Joseph Booker Jr., an abortion practitioner with Jackson Women’s Health Organization in Mississippi, was found dead by authorities. Horrifically, Booker is infamously known for keeping the underdeveloped bodies of aborted babies as souvenirs.

Life News reports that Booker, 69, was found dead in the bathtub of his Madison home. An autopsy has shown no signs of foul play, but that Booker suffered a stroke and drowned.

Booker was successfully sued by Daschica and Christopher Thomas in 2005 after they claimed that Thomas went into a coma because of a botched abortion performed by Booker in 2003.

The suit wasn’t the only controversy surrounding Booker, however. The Associated Press reported,

In December 1999, three dozen bags of aborted fetuses and other remains were found buried in a shallow grave behind a business in the Gulf Coast city of Ocean Springs. An investigation revealed that the fetuses came from a storage room Booker had rented in nearby Gulfport, a city where he had performed abortions at a gynecology [sic] clinic.

“Booker had pleaded guilty in July 1999 to tax evasion and was sentenced to five months in federal prison.

“Someone purchased the contents of the storage unit, sight unseen, at auction and moved the items to a storage unit in Ocean Springs. Some of the items smelled and the new owner directed an employee to get rid of them, apparently not knowing they were fetuses.”

Booker at one time performed abortions in Gulfport and Jackson. Booker formerly practiced with Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Mississippi’s only abortion clinic, but the two parted ways when Booker filed a wrongful termination suit against the clinic in 2010, according to WAPT News.