Black Accused of Killing and Raping Mexican Jogger Dindu Nuffin’!

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2017

Chanel Lewis.

Anotha innocen’ Black man being held down by this White supremacist country smh.

New York Post:

The East New York man previously told cops he just “lost it,” as the 30-year-old beauty ran toward him during her Aug. 2016 jog in Howard Beach. I hit her about five times, and her teeth broke. I got madder and madder and I strangled her.”

Karina Vetrano’s remains were found with her shorts around her ankles, but Chanel Lewis denies raping her.

“Sheeit nigga I didn’ rape da White bitch I just killed her and took off her pants.”

Despite the confession, Lewis’ family maintains his innocence, as does his attorney, Robert Moeller.

Suspected killer wants jogger’s family to know he’s ‘sorry’

Lewis’ sister, Tracey Green, said her brother is “doing pretty good. I just visited him last night. He is hanging in there. He is strong.”

“I know the truth,” Green added. “He is innocent. He didn’t do it. He is falsely accused.”

Sheeit nigga he says he be sorry n’ sheeit, he also says he dindu it! Can’t you cracka ass honkeys let it go?

Karina Vetrano.