Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2014
Here you have a graph, provided by the journal Nature, which is self explanatory.

You can read the entire peer-reviewed article, entitled “The bonobo genome compared with the chimpanzee and human genomes,” here at Nature.
Genetic science is creating a crisis for the cultural Marxists who wish us to believe that “race doesn’t exist.” The lie simply cannot be sustained.
What they appear to be doing, is reporting all of this new information in their journals, of course without value-judgement (it’s hard science), and then failing to report it in the popular science outlets, thus the people are unaware of it.
But that obviously can’t go on forever. Eventually, someone is going to have to explain why we are being coerced into treating beings that are closer to apes than they are to us as if they are equal contributors to society.