Black Airbnb Guest Climbed into Bed Naked with Host’s 7-Year-Old Daughter

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

Black people: ya gotta have em.

Seriously, you don’t have any choice. And you’re not allowed to deny them service. When they want in your house around your children.

If you don’t want to do that, you’re evil. But you don’t have any choice anyway.

It’s against the law.

NY Daily News:

An Airbnb guest was arrested after a Minnesota host found the man naked in bed with his young daughter.

The homeowner, who was not identified, called police Sunday night to report that Derrick Aaron Kinchen had allegedly tried to sexually assault his 7-year-old daughter.

According to KARE, a criminal complaint states that Kinchen was renting a room in the family’s Minnetonka home for a wedding.

The homeowner said Kinchen, 28, returned to the residence late Sunday night and at some point entered the parents’ bedroom, where the little girl was sleeping, and climbed into the bed.

The host said when he noticed the lights were on in the master bedroom he went to investigate and found Kinchen naked next to the girl. The host allegedly told authorities that his daughter’s nightgown had been pulled up.

The homeowner said he started yelling and Kinchen grabbed his suit jacket, wallet and ran from the house.

Of course, the father couldn’t attack him.

That would have been pure hatred for the color of the skin.

Kinchen was found hiding in a neighbor’s fishing boat. He was hospitalized after being bitten by a police K-9.

The little girl was taken to Children’s Hospital for an evaluation. According to investigators, she said she woke up when Kinchen entered her parents’ bedroom.

The girl said Kinchen allegedly whispered something to her and then got in the bed. The criminal complaint states that Kinchen pulled the child’s underwear down but she pulled them back up, KARE reports.

Airbnb spokesman Benjamin Breit told the Daily News that all guest and hosts are screened “globally against regulatory, terrorist, and sanctions watch lists.” Guests and hosts in the U.S. are also checked for sex offender registrations, felony convictions and significant misdemeanors.

The Jews of Airbnb have continually attacked users who try to racially discriminate, calling them evil and banning them.

And the government has fined people who did it.

Airbnb took the moral high ground on Charlottesville, and actually banned people who were trying to have a place to stay to attend the rally.

Meanwhile, they force the rape of little girls by blacks.

Who is the bad guy here?