Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2015

Chuck Johnson has just broken the story (he is good at breaking stories) of a Black Republican who was a member of the Jew-run Ashley Madison adultery website.
Democrat-turned-Republican politician Artur Davis is currently running for mayor of Montgomery, Alabama. The election is next Tuesday and is nonpartisan.
There’s just one problem: he’s also on the Ashley Madison list.
We’ve confirmed Davis’s address with the board of elections. (Davis lived in Virginia before moving back down to Alabama to run for office.)
He’s been a Democratic congressman from Alabama turned Republican speaker at the 2012 convention. He ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010. Davis is married and has used his wife, Tara Johnson Davis, in his campaign ads.
Johnson and Davis were married in 2009 meaning that Davis was using Ashley Madison just a few years into his marriage.
Obviously, Blacks are not prone to fidelity, so this isn’t surprising. They are also not prone to intelligence, so it isn’t surprising that he was retarded enough to sign-up for this Jew website, given the present state of online security.
What is surprising is that so many non-Blacks were stupid enough to sign-up for this website, knowing that every hacker in the world would find this to be the biggest (and most just, for this matter) lol in years.