Black Almost Cut Off White Heads Because He was Bumped Into

Daily Stormer
January 13, 2016


But you shouldn’t be so mean to these former slaves…

The Sun:

A SAVAGE murderer who ‘nearly decapitated’ a teenager with a two-foot machete in a pub car park was sentenced to 28 years in prison and an additional 16-years for attempted murder.

The blasé attacker, Ewen Reynolds, 44, struck Zac Evans twice with such force he broke his jaw bone and severed vital blood vessels in his neck.

Upon receiving the blast the youngster’s necklace split open and ‘blood spurted about 10 metres’ across the car park before he fell to the ground.

Evans’ friend Keaton Jones, 23, was also sliced on the side of his head but he survived the attack.

The unfounded violence erupted after the victim, Keaton and his girlfriend Abbie Wood, left the pub and headed towards the car park of the Musket pub in Tuffley, Gloucester on 24 January 2015.

Drunk Abbie accidentally tumbled into Reynold’s group who had also left the pub.

A lady-friend of Reynolds swung a punch and Reynolds disappeared to retrieve the machete from his car where it was stored in a black cloth.

After an 87-second fight, prompted by an innocent mistake, Zac lay dying on the floor and Keaton was seriously injured.

Zac, a painter and decorator, had only become engaged to his girlfriend Bethany Hall the previous day.

Following the horrifying attack, Reynolds calmly left the scene and drove off in his van, followed by his girlfriend.

The father-of-three drove to Worcester where he ditched his van.

The next day he handed himself into police but refused to answer any questions.

The van, his clothing and bloody traces of both victims were found by police but the machete has still not been seized.

Zac’s mother told the court that Zac’s grief-stricken twin brother called her to the scene by telling her his brother had been killed.

Upon arriving she shouted ‘we love you Zac’ to the quardened off scene where his body lay beneath a blanket surrounded by a pool of blood.

Bristol Crown Court Judge, Mr Justice Mark warby QC, said: “Zac Evans was 19 years old.

“He will remain that age because you ended his life.

“You struck him with a vicious, fatal blow with your machete, which almost severed his head.