Black and Crazyfaced White Slut Arrested for Murder and Incineration of Elderly White Man

News 4 Jax
March 7, 2015

Thomas Oakland UF professor_1425658773658_14530743_ver1.0_640_480
Thomas Oakland’s head was bashed in until he was dead and then his home was set fire to.

A suspect in a Gainesville murder and arson case will face a judge Friday afternoon after he was caught in Jacksonville.

Police said Stephen Underwood fled to Jacksonville after an elderly man was found dead inside a burned Gainesville home.

The victim, identified as 75-year-old Thomas David Oakland, was likely dead before the fire started, the Gainesville Police Department said Thursday and is being investigated as a killing.

Stephen Underwood Jr., 37, and Sherry Chris Sidell Underwood, 48, both of Gainesville, were named as persons of interest in Oakland’s death.

Police said Stephen Underwood will likely be charged with murder, arson, burglary and grand theft.

Police said they were in contact with Sherry Underwood, but she is not being charged yet.

Stephen Underwood Jr. and Sherry Chris Sidell Underwood have both been arrested for the killing and arson.

Oakland was found Wednesday afternoon inside a home at 1921 SW 8th Drive after a fire in the home.

The autopsy showed evidence of blunt force trauma to Oakland’s body and head. That and other evidence investigators found led them to consider Oakland’s death a killing and to name two persons of interest.

“We have numerous detectives out both in the field and back at the residence working to bring the persons responsible into custody” GPD spokesman Ben Tobias said. “We will be working around the clock until someone is in handcuffs.”

Stephen Underwood is unemployed and does day labor, police said, and Sherry Underwood is disabled. Police said Oakland and Stephen Underwood had a financial relationship, but specifics about the relationship were not released.