Black Arrested for Fatal Shooting of White Cab Driver

The Tampa Tribune
December 12, 2013

John Dolley was described by his co-workers as 'a gracious and godly man' and would even give low-income earners free rides in his cab.
John Doolley was described by his co-workers as ‘a gracious and godly man’ and would even give low-income earners free rides in his cab.

Tampa police arrested a 19-year-old man Tuesday night in the fatal shooting of a taxi cab driver that occurred Sunday night.

Devante Bell, of 1509 New Orleans Ave., faces one count of first-degree murder with a firearm and attempted armed robbery with a firearm in the shooting death of John Dooley, 56, police said.

Bell was being held in the Hillsborough County Jail. He was denied bond.

Devante Bell
Devante Bell has been arrested, but there is one other Black left to catch.

About 7:45 p.m. Sunday, Bell and another suspect entered a Yellow Cab driven by Dooley. As Dooley took them to the location they requested, he was shot by his passengers at Eskimo Avenue and North 18th Street, police said.

Bell and the other suspect ran from the scene after the shooting, police said.

The second suspect hasn’t been identified. The case remains under investigation.

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