Black Assaults Cop in Coffee Shop (TOTALLY RANDOM)

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2017

I’m starting to think that blacks don’t like the cops.


Police officials said in a tweet an officer was randomly attacked. A uniformed sergeant was in Bad Ass Coffee, off 18th Street, when the attack happened, according to spokesperson Tonya Pierce.

“You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times,” said Tonya Pierce with the Virginia Beach Police Department. “Everybody does.”

The sergeant was ordering coffee when he was aggressively approached by someone. Pierce says the officer asked this person to step outside because they were being loud, and there were customers in the shop.

“An individual came in, aggressively approached the Sargent and became very loud.,” Pierce added. ” The sergeant asked him to step outside.”

This person began beating and assaulting the officer, who tried to defend himself. One of the shop’s employees jumped in to help the officer, while another called 911.

Pierce says the person who attacked the sergeant ran from the shop, but was caught near Croc’s 19th Street Bistro. She added that he was initially not cooperating with police.

The suspect was later identified as Antoine Omar Wynn, 33 of Norfolk.