Black Assaults White Restaurant Owner

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2017

It’s time to bring back freedom of association and allow people to ban these savages from their shops completely.


Ivan Fields, 22, is charged with aggravated assault, conspiracy, and recklessly endangering another person.

Fields and Jeremy Rupp are accused of assaulting Steven Zarglis, the owner of Lesvos Gyros on East Carson Street on September 19.

Zarglis said right before closing, the men came into the restaurant and the one started calling him names.

“So, I went down there to close the door. A black guy, he kept calling me names. He was calling me the N-word,” Zarglis said. “And when I did say, ‘Are you calling ‘N’?’ then he got real mad.”

The two men left the restaurant and when Zarglis went to lock the door, he was struck in the face by the black man, later identified as Fields.

Zarglis suffered a broken nose and needed stitches on his nose and above his left eye.