Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2014

Black people are tear-machines. All they ever do is cry. And then they want to be taken seriously, as if they are somehow serious people.
All the Jew Sterling did was have a private conversation about how he doesn’t like them. Who cares if he does not like them? The black players on Sterling’s team are in a business relationship with the man, where they are mostly getting obscenely rich. What does Sterling’s personal feelings toward them have to do with anything?

Knicks executive and former player Larry Johnson had a decidedly different but still strong reaction to the racially insensitive remarks Clippers owner Donald Sterling is alleged to have made.
On Saturday night, Johnson tweeted: “Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!’’
The initial indication was Johnson was calling for an all-African-American league complete with black ownership. It wasn’t the first time Johnson, who is black, concerned himself with the fact the NBA’s ownership is mostly white while its players are mostly black.
So, because a person doesn’t like you, you need to punish them, even if they never do anything to harm you. What kind of logic is that?
And good luck with managing your own companies, blacks. I’m sure you’re totally capable of that, and just happen to have not gotten around to doing it yet because of hurt feelings or something.
Can you imagine any other race of people crying like this because someone said something mean about them? No one else would behave like this, and if they did, they would be called out as ridiculous.
Oh, wait…