Black Baltimore Mayor Suggests Killing of White Bicyclist by Multiple Blacks Ruined Lives of Victim AND the Black Suspects

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
January 14, 2016

In Black-Run America (BRA), if you as a white person are to be murdered by a black person the true tragedy will not be your life that has been taken, but the ruined life (lives, if multiple black attackers) of the person who killed you. [Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake calls killing of bicyclist ‘tragic’:The killing of a bicyclist in Baltimore ruined the lives of victim and suspects, mayor says, Baltimore Sun, January 13, 2016]:

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Wednesday the killing of a bicyclist in Waverly has ruined the lives of the victim and the teenage suspects charged in his death.


“I don’t know where to start,” the mayor told reporters at City Hall. “Sometimes you get so frustrated when you think about our young people, when you hear about this type of attack.”

Robert Ponsi, 29, was fatally stabbed and robbed Saturday night as he bicycled through Waverly on his way home from his job as a server at a Harbor East restaurant.

Three teens — Prince Greene, 15, Antwan Eldridge, 17, and Daquan Middleton, 16 – are charged in his murder.

The mayor said she was grateful community members came forward with information for police that helped them make the arrests.

“Not only is it tragic because of the loss of a life, but because these other lives have been ruined as well,” Rawlings-Blake said.

“… these other lives have been ruined as well,” you so callously suggest, Mrs. Black Mayor of Baltimore, when in fact they voluntarily engaged in act of murder collectively as a unit.

The only tragedy is that Robert Ponsi didn’t take one of two of the black people who attacked him and ultimately took his life (for a wallet, a phone, and a bicycle) with him. Meanwhile, multiple black suspects are still at large in this latest example of a black(s)-on-white homicide in Baltimore, a 65 percent black where – apparently – the only tragedy is that black people still have to abide by some of the laws of the white man.

Robert Ponsi is dead. He’s not coming back. His life is not just ruined, courtesy of multiple black people who attacked, it’s over.


If there were any real justice in this world, the black males (perhaps as many as 6-8, with only 3 currently arrested) who took his life would be publicly executed as a reminder of what happens when you ruin someone else’s life.

Baltimore needs an enema.