Stuff Black People Don’t Like
June 20, 2015
To understand the situation in 2015 Baltimore, and why rank-and-file Baltimore Police Department officers believe “rioting… more protesting” is coming to the 65 percent black city, allow one image taken from the ‘Baltimore Uprising‘ to tell the tale. [Witnesses to Freddie Gray protest submit nearly 1,000 works to Md. Historical Society, Baltimore Sun, 6-17-15]:
In hindsight, the photograph taken on April 25 at Camden Yards seems to forecast everything that happened such a short time later. In the bottom center is the head of a little boy, perhaps 8 years old.
Though his mouth and chin are outside the frame, you can tell by his downcast eyes and the slant of his brows just how angry he is. Directly behind him stand three Baltimore police officers, their hands on their hips.

You can’t see their eyes because they’re obscured by dark glasses, but their mouths are grim. And from the right, someone is unfurling a black, green and red flag adopted by some African-American groups.
In that image shot by Jerome Freeman, a 25-year-old Columbia resident, the divide between the police and the people protesting the death of Freddie Gray is evident at a glance. It seems almost inevitable that what began as peaceful demonstrations are about to erupt.
The black, green and red flag of blacks is getting ready to be raised in 65 percent black Baltimore, a city with a black mayor (who can’t stop blasting cops for not putting their lives on the line to stop black people from committing crime); a black police chief; a black fire chief; a majority black city council; and a black state’s attorney.
What can we even say to this? Continued lack of leadership and support for our members #leadersdontdivide
— Baltimore City FOP (@FOP3) June 19, 2015
Just look what the black Police Commissioner just wrote about the city.[Baltimore police commissioner: There is a cost to reform, Baltimore Sun, 6-19-2015]:
I challenge the leadership of The Vanguard Justice Society, an African American advocacy group for police officers, to stand and project their voice in this African American city, where people who look like them feel treatment is unfair. Speak out against the beating of a resident at a bus stop or the selling of narcotics on the back porch of a police station. Where is the concern over scores of African Americans arrested and college scholarships lost? Don’t allow yourself to be used as a tool of a bygone strategy from times long since past.
Our reform efforts will very likely see more police officers arrested. We will have more officers who are forced out because their outdated, outmoded views of policing do not match the standards the community expects and demands. I will not apologize for bringing professionalism and integrity to the forefront while eliminating greed, corruption and intolerance from the rank and file. Policing in any environment is difficult on a good day. That does not mean we have, or should ever have, a blank check to treat the public with callous disregard.
“… the standards the community expects and demands.”
Who cares what the community expects and demands? They should be EXPECTED to abide by the law and refrain from murdering/shooting/robbing one another and they should be EXPECTED to turn in those drug dealers/murderers/rapists/sadists making their community unsafe, but instead they PROTECT these criminals with a firm belief in “no snitching.”
But the black Police Commissioner of Baltimore believes the Baltimore police should lower their expectations and duty to uphold civilization in the city because the the “community” considers them an occupying force. [Divergent perspectives on Baltimore depending on who holds the lens, Baltimore Sun, 6-19-15]:
Baltimore is an American version of Gaza with an occupying army of heavily armed police in the streets and military helicopters overhead night and day.
No, it’s a flashpoint for social revolution against economic inequality with an even larger army of streetfighting men and women on the march for social justice.
Sorry, everybody knows it’s actually “The Wire” with all those boarded-up rowhouses and young men on the corners.
Al Jazeera America focuses its lens on the death of Gray in order to look at police-community relations in “Baltimore Rising.”
Al Jazeera does some of the most sophisticated non-fiction storytelling anywhere online or on TV, and this is no exception. The 25-minute report with correspondent Anjali Kamat is filled with images of police helicopters hovering overhead and the sound of sirens.
The narrative is Baltimore as Gaza, with city police described by talking heads as an “occupation force.”
Actually, it’s the black population of Baltimore that is occupying force in the city, electing leaders who are no longer concerned with carrying on western traditions and western civilization, but hoisting up the black, green and red flag and proclaiming it an “African American city.”
The police in Baltimore (already majority minority) are not an “occupying force,” but a remnant of a civilization once existing in the exact same real estate death, decay, ruin, and unholy privations flourish.
Where white civilization once flourished in Baltimore, the flame of western life has been expelled in the remaking of the city in the form of Africa.
Thankfully, the black Police Commissioner made clear where the city is headed. And thankfully, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 3 in Baltimore made clear its view on the matter with this Tweet:
What can we even say to this? Continued lack of leadership and support for our members #leadersdontdivide
Baltimore in 1915 was 85 percent white; now, it is less than 26 percent white. Blacks have colonized the city and remade it in their image (the blight, dilapidated buildings, school textbooks tossed into the streets, crime, homicide, shootings, and Plexiglass/bulletproof glass protecting convenience store workers a visual reminder of the black contribution to the city).
As made perfectly clear by the black Police Commissioner’s statement, the city of Baltimore is an “African American city.”
To all white people in the city and to all white cops: it’s time to leave the city behind.
As Baltimore continues to decay into the Heart of Darkness, it’s important it be made abundantly clear the city’s state is truly due to blacks.