Black (Beaner?) Chases Down and Beats White Guy in the Street – Second Black Pulls Over to Help a Brutha Out

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2017

How can anyone say dis be bad? Allz I be seein iz love an’ unity in da Black communitay.


A violent attack was caught on video in Westport.

The situation started in Derby Tuesday morning just before 9 a.m., police said. Two men were involved in a disturbance there and, after a chase to Westport, got into a fight in the middle of Post Road, Westport Police said.

Video shows Valle jumping out of a van and running down the street. Morales then drove around the van and attempted to ram Valle, slamming into some hedges, authorities allege.

Video shows Morales chase Valle into the middle of the road and holding him down.

That’s when another SUV arrives on the scene. The driver of the SUV can be seen getting out of his vehicle and kicking Valle in the head. Morales can also be seen on video repeatedly punching and kicking Valle, authorities allege.