Black Beat and Robbed 95-Year-Old White Woman

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2017

This isn’t international headline news, because it is just something that happens every single day.

So who cares?

Besides, it would be racist to make a thing of it.


A Cook County judge sentenced Olajuwon Claiborne, of Chicago, to 20 years in prison. He was tearful as he apologized to Josephine Regnier, now 95.

“That was the reason why I was here, he apologized and I feel good for that, but I feel sorry for him,” said Regnier.

“It’s a very emotional thing. I feel bad that someone has to go to jail…but at the same time it’s good to know that he will not be able to injure anyone for a while,” said Regnier’s daughter, Joan O’Connor.

The grandmother was left with bruises on her face and several broken ribs after she was beaten and robbed while waiting for her daughter in the gangway of her home. She was left lying on the ground as her attacker ran away with her purse.

But he was also caught on surveillance video by a nearby restaurant, Villa Rosa Pizza. Claiborne was arrested a few days later, after he was turned in by a former jailhouse buddy.