Black Blinds White Girlfriend by Stomping on Her Head

January 3, 2014

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Chelsea Simmons has lost sight in one eye and was moments away from taking her last breath.

A Metro-East woman was nearly murdered and now her family is stepping up to get her justice as her accused attacker is being hunted by police.

Chelsea Simmons, 20, was still in tears days after she says her boyfriend nearly killed her in her Centralia, Ill. apartment.

“Apparently he choked her until she passed out, brought her back, then choked her again and continually stomped on her head,” said her step-mother, Melissa Zack.

Doctors say Simmons was moments away from taking her last breath. She’s suffered permanent loss of eye sight in her left eye. The emotional wounds too will likely never heal.

“She’s scared and she probably will be forever,” Zack said.

But the man accused of this crime is still on the streets.

Cedric Powe ‘choked her until she passed out, brought her back, then choked her again and continually stomped on her head’.

Twenty-seven year-old Cedric Powe, also known as “Moe,” is on the run from police.

That’s why Simmons’ family is scraping together their own money, offering a reward for information that leads to his arrest.

“He needs to be caught so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else, and I don’t have to worry about it happening to her ever again,” Zack said.

Centralia police declined to go on camera, but believe Powe might be in the south St. Louis area.

He got a long-rap sheet and should be considered dangerous.

If you see him, call cops immediately.