Black Boyfriend Convicted of Constant Beatings and Fatal Stabbing of White Girlfriend

LA Times
June 18, 2015

Deborah Ann Treptor spent two years being a punchbag before her pet finally ended her life.

A 51-year-old man was convicted last week of beating his girlfriend on multiple occasions then fatally stabbing the 35-year-old woman in 2014 after she ended the relationship, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.

A jury deliberated for less than two days before finding Mark Anthony Little, a black man, guilty of first-degree murder June 12. He was also convicted of two counts of corporal injury, one count each of dissuading a witness from reporting a crime, simple battery of a cohabitant and criminal threats. Jurors also found weapon allegations true.

Little was in relationship with Deborah Ann Treptor for about two years and lived with the woman.  Prosecutors said Little severely beat Treptor multiple times between December 2013 and April 2014, and Little threatened to kill the woman if she reported the abuse.

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Mark Anthony Little faces a maximum sentence of 122 years to life in prison.

On April 29, 2014, Treptor broke up with Little, and Little moved out.

Little tried to get back together with Treptor and told family that he would not allow her to leave him.

Shortly before 1 a.m. two weeks later, Little went to Treptor’s Watts home, walked into her room and stabbed her twice in the neck.

A fellow resident at the transitional housing center found Treptor and called 911.

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