Black Boyfriend Hands Himself in After Killing White Girlfriend and Kid

Detroit CBS Local
February 18, 2015

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Authorities say a person of interest has turned himself in after his 29-year-old girlfriend and their 13-month-old daughter were found dead in Eastpointe.

Police were called around 9 p.m. Thursday after the woman’s father found the bodies inside of a home in the 23000 block of Normandy, in a neighborhood just north of 9 Mile Road between Gratiot Avenue and I-94.

Police haven’t yet said how the mother, identified as Monique Rakowski, and daughter might have died — but they are investigating the case as a double homicide. According to reports, both were stabbed multiple times.

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Monique’s mother says the Black boyfriend was always jealous of her and suspicious and had beaten her up before.

The person of interest is described as Rakowski’s boyfriend and the child’s father. He reportedly turned himself in to Dearborn police Friday morning.

Investigators are still trying to locate Rakowski’s vehicle, a dark blue 2007 Chevy Impala with Michigan license plate “1 HXJ 18.”

Ricky Gutes lives just two doors down from the crime scene. He said Rakowski moved into the home with a few other people about a year ago.

“They were quiet, kept to themselves. We maybe said hi one or two times,” Gutes told WWJ’s Laura Bonnell. “I’m just extremely surprised. I got home last night a little after midnight and everything was taped off and yeah, it was kind of creepy.”

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