Black Bus Driver Let 12-Year-Old Girl Have Sex with 17-Year-Old Boy in the Seat Behind Her

Daily Stormer
March 10, 2015

Kristy Lawrence: Looks innocent to me.
Kristy Lawrence: Looks innocent to me.

A Black female school bus driver has been fired and then arrested for allowing a 12-year-old girl to have sex with a 17-year old boy on the bus in the seat behind her.

How on earth was she supposed to know the kids weren’t supposed to be having sex on the bus?

Was there a passage in the rulebook which forbid sex acts on the bus? Was she told at her orientation class that kids are not supposed to have sex on the bus?

I seriously doubt it. Looks to me like another racist persecution by the cops like Michael Brown or Tony Robinson.

How are these people supposed to get ahead when Whitey is so fixated on holding them down?


According to police, the former school bus driver is in trouble with the law in connection with the sexual acts even though she was not directly involved in the incidents.

31-year-old Kristy Lawrence of Louisville, Kentucky, did not try to stop an eight-minute sexual ordeal, which was caught on surveillance video. The sex abuse took place while the girl was sitting in the seat directly behind the bus driver.

The girl had been sitting in the seat behind the driver because she was being bullied on the bus.

According to court documents, “Lawrence did not make a substantial effort to prevent sexual misconduct and / or sexual abuse of a child.”

The 17-year-old student is being charged in the case as a juvenile while the bus driver is facing serious charges. Lawrence was arrested on Saturday, and was charged with third-degree sexual abuse and sexual misconduct.