Black Child Gets Nazi Ring from Family Dollar Vending Machine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2014

Our goal is to give you a belly-laugh at least once a day here on the Daily Stormer. Some days it is easier than others. Today, we were given a guarantee with the following video.

A 4-year-old Black child in Tulsa, Oklahoma went with his mother to Family Dollar (Black people literally buy their groceries there) and was dispensed a plastic Nazi replica ring by a vending machine.

Obviously this was some sort of accident, but what a hilarious, weird accident.

Clearly, this was the fault of the Chinese manufacturer. Chinese merchants produce Nazi materials for their own children, because Chinese people love Nazis for whatever reason. Somehow, a mix-up occurred.

And thank God for that. After the most recent hacking of Ben Garrison, I feared I might not lol again for a week.