Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2015
Update – 17:12 GMT
The suspect has been apprehended.
His name is Dylann Storm Roof, 21, and he does appear to be autistic.

According to Reuters, the uncle who reported him, Carson Cowles, described him as “quiet and soft-spoken,” which is a characteristic of autism.
In fact, his resemblance to Sandy Hook autistic shooter Adam Lanza is mildly remarkable.
Roof was out on bond for charges related to drugs and trespassing, The Post and Courier reports.

Allegedly, before opening fire, Roof said “I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” An alleged witness to this to NBC News.
It is surprising that he was taken alive, but it is a good thing, as it will be determined that he is mentally ill and they won’t possibly be able to blame us for this person’s actions.
I want to state clearly that I am entirely opposed to what this man did and I hope that he receives the full force of the law for having acted in such a destructive manner.
Original Post – 12:22 GMT
I have bad news.
A church has been shot up in Charleston, South Carolina, and they are blaming racism. Because it is a Black church.
Nine Blacks were killed in the shooting.
The suspect is currently unknown and on the run; here is the picture they’ve given of him.

The picture screams autism, so I am almost certain what we have here is another Sandy Hook situation with a mentally ill/mentally defective person who is being poorly medicated. Just look at the bowl cut.
But that is not how the story is going to be told by the media. Or at least not the way it is being told presently. Presently, they are referring to it as a hate crime and blaming White racism.

The shooter is believed to be in his early twenties, which is the age at which serious psychosis generally begins to manifest.
He was apparently at the Wednesday evening church prayer meeting for an hour before he opened fire, killing six women and three men.
Among the dead is the church’s pastor Clementa Pinckney, who is also a state senator and had spent the day campaigning with Hillary Clinton. The fact that Hillary had been just half a mile from the church earlier that day speaking against the police is a very strange coincidence.
This is like Christmas for the SJWs. Nothing better could have happened to them, just as their insane narrative of Black victimization is unravelling in the minds of the people.
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