Black Cop Mugs Man for His Pants

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2018

Anthony Delacruz.

Blacks should never be put into positions of authority.

When they are, none of our pants are safe.

NY Daily News:

An NYPD officer fired his service revolver in a bizarre May 2016 hold-up where the victim was forced to surrender his clothes, cash and cell phone, the Brooklyn district attorney charged Wednesday.

Officer Anthony Delacruz, in an attempt to cover up his crime, then accused four innocent people of robbing him at gunpoint in the middle of the night, authorities charged.

Delacruz, 34, was released on $100,000 bail after a Wednesday hearing where prosecutors said DNA from the robbery victim was found on the officer’s gun — and the theft’s incriminating aftermath captured on security video.

Delacruz, 34, was held on $100,000 bail at a Wednesday hearing where prosecutors said DNA from the robbery victim was found on the officer’s gun — and the theft’s incriminating aftermath captured on security video.

The accused cop’s unidentified accomplice was caught on the video holding Eilely’s shoes and pants as the man stood nearby in a T-shirt, boxer shorts and socks.