Daily Stormer
September 17, 2014

No prizes for guessing why the Council employed this drug-dealing thief in the first place.
A former council worker with previous for drug possession and deception tried to steal £60 worth of cosmetics from the Whitgift Centre “because the queue was too long”.
Emile Obidike, 40, pleaded guilty at Croydon Magistrates’ Court on Monday to the attempted theft of items worth £63.98 from Boots.
Obidike, of Violet Lane, South Croydon, was caught by store investigators on March 14 this year.
The court heard how he had put the cosmetics into a bag and made his way to the exit but was stopped by security.
He initially maintained he was not trying to steal the items and pointed to the fact that he had not left the store yet.
However, after police were called and Obidike was detained by security, he admitted trying to steal the goods but said it was because the queue at the tills was too long.

Obidike was jailed in 2011 relating to offences committed while he was employed as a children’s information services manager for Newham Council, in east London.
He deceived fellow workers and lied about his qualifications to secure his job at Newham. He also had a false passport.
At his address, police had found a stash of valuable goods he had paid for with the proceeds of his crime, including an iPod Touch and a Gucci watch, while he was said to have earned £250,000 during his time at Newham between 2004 and 2010.
Obidike was sentenced to eight months for faking his qualifications, two charges of deceiving his colleagues, and possession of forged documents.
The court was told on Monday that he had been working at Croydon Council despite being given a conditional discharge for possession of class A drugs, including ketamine and MDMA, in January this year.
However, Croydon Council denied any record of having employed Obidike when asked by the Advertiser this week.
His LinkedIn page states that he was a project manager at consulting firm Continental Investment Partners in Croydon.
Obidike was ordered to pay a £100 fine and costs of £150 for the shoplifting offence.