Black Demon will Serve Back-to-Back Life Sentences for Killing White Mother and Daughter

Wayne Times
November 30, 2014

The mother and daughter were killed in cold blood by the Black demon when they disturbed him during a burglary.

A Rochester parolee will serve back-to-back life sentences in prison without the chance of parole for the murder of Terry and Stacey Moulton. “When you lose family members, I don’t think you ever get justice,” said Scott Briggs, a cousin of Terry Moulton. “He got the max. I think he deserves it.”

Dante Taylor – who berated the jury with a string of obscenities while the verdict was being delivered – today apologized for that conduct. “I would like to apologize for my behavior…try to understand my frustration,” Taylor said as he read from a prepared statement. Fifteen minutes later, surrounded by deputies and being led away in handcuffs, he demanded his freedom. “I’ve been wrongfully convicted,” he shouted at reporters. “Freedom is a must.”

“It didn’t really mean much,” William Schumacher said of the apology. Schumacher is a friend of the victims. He stood next to reporters as Taylor was led out of the courtroom. “You see his reaction in the court and then you see his reaction out here.”

Taylor has a history of violent crimes and was on parole when he used a kitchen knife to kill the two in the summer of 2013.

The mother and daughter unknowingly interrupted a robbery in progress when they went to feed the neighbor’s cat. “This impacted more than just the Moultons and their friends,” said Wayne County District Attorney Rick Healy. “This impacted the whole county.” He noted the especially brutal attack, saying “We don’t have crimes like that in this county.”

Dante Taylor let out a string of obscenities at the court before shouting that he was innocent and  ‘freedom is a must’.

Taylor’s attorney disagreed. “This case was a circumstantial case. (Taylor’s) maintained from the beginning that he’s a working man, he’s supported his family and he didn’t commit the crimes.”

In a statement read in court, Chuck Moulton called his wife and daughter “best friends…you could never have one without the other.” Now he’s living life without either of them. “If you gauge life by the moments that take your breath away, you realize that 34 years isn’t enough to spend with your soul mate. 30 years goes by so fast as you watch your daughter grow,” he wrote in the statement.
That statement was read in court by the District Attorney. Read the full statement from Chuck Moulton “It’s a very emotional case, it was hard to read that,” said Healy. “He didn’t do it because he couldn’t do it; it was too emotional for him.”

“We’re going to move on the best that we can,” said Briggs. Taylor was sentenced to two additional life sentences plus 75 years for crimes beyond the first degree murders. The way sentencing laws work, those sentences will overlap the others and not add additional prison time.

Either way, it’s clear Taylor will never be released from prison. “We can’t bring them back but he won’t ever be able to do it to anyone else,” said Schumacher. As Taylor was being led away in handcuffs, he let reporters know this isn’t over yet. Inside the courthouse, his attorney filed an appeal.