Black Deviant Refused to Stop Raping Victim and Police had to Taser Him

June 1, 2015

Adam Salah was so determined to rape his victim that police were unable to pull him off her.

A would-be rapist was so determined to carry out his sexual attack that he refused to stop even when police arrived.

Adam Salah, 19, was found lying on top of his victim at a park in Salford and continued to carry out his attack despite the arrival of police.

Officers were forced to user a taser on the sexual predator after they failed to restrain him.

Salah repeatedly assaulted his 33-year-old victim in Albert Park, Manchester, and it took two police officers and a 50,000 volt taser to tear him away.

The deviant, of no fixed address, called out to the woman as she walked home from a friend’s house at 3am in September last year.

He and a friend called to the woman but, when she ignored them, Salah grabbed her and pushed her up against a wall and before molesting her over her clothing.

Police found the filthy Black savage raping the woman in Albert Park, Salford.

Salah’s friend tried to drag him off and away from the victim, who screamed at Salah “you’re not getting away with this” before calling police.

Officers then got a harrowing phone call from the woman at 3.39am, when the clearly terrified victim screamed down the phone that someone had tried to rape her once and was following her again.

Just in case you might now associate Negroes with violent crime, here is a helpful picture of brown hands holding the police taser.

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