Black Devil Pleads Guilty to Killing 2 Innocent Young White Girls and Their Father

Fox 16
August 11, 2014

The mother came home to find her husband dead, along with her two daughters, all killed by subhuman Black scum.

Riakos Lizana, 21, changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to four consecutive life sentences during a hearing by Clark County Circuit Judge Robert McCallum on Friday. During the change in plea Lizana admitted he caused the deaths of Bobby Galbraith, Adiele Crutchfield and Marley Crutchfield during a burglary of the Galbraith home on December 6, 2012.

The girls were four years old and six years old.

Clark County Prosecutor Blake Batson stated that “The mother of victims requested that we allow change in plea and make this recommendation. The Sheriff, Chief of Police, and the State Police investigators all agree and recommended that I make the decision. This family deserves closure, this family deserves for this case to end today without reliving this horrific crime at a trial and the appeals that would result from it. This recommendation is made after numerous and extensive discussions with the family and law enforcement. I have sought out and considered the input and opinions of all involved including other prosecutors. These results were made possible because of the tireless and thorough work of our local law enforcement officers and they are to be commended for their decision and service to our community. This is the right decision.”

Grinning demon Riakos Lizana had killed them all.

Clark County Sheriff Jason Watson stated “I agree with this decision and I believe that justice has been served.”

Batson further stated “There is not an appropriate punishment for this crime under Arkansas law. The defendant will die in prison as a result of this sentence. This case has been a continuous part of my thoughts and prayers since that night. The sheriff called me while he was in route and I immediately went to the scene. I was there on the street in front of the house throughout the night as this case unfolded. This family, these officers, me, my staff not this community will ever be the same. Our duty demands that we set aside our personal desires and consider this family, these officers and even the jury that would be presented this evidence if this case were to be tried.”