Black Driver Yells I ‘Want to Kill Cops’ and Tries to Run Two Over

Daily Stormer
January 9, 2015

Matthew Christian Cash (inset) is in custody after allegedly deliberately crashing his Audi into a PA police car.

Black people: can’t live with em, can’t get murdered to death without them.  Waddayagunnadoo?

NY Post:

A man yelling “I want to kill cops” tried to run down two Port Authority Police officers with his car near the entrance to the ­Holland Tunnel Wednesday night in the latest attack on officers.

Matthew Christian Cash, who has an extensive criminal record, was barreling down a restricted fire lane near Varick and Watts streets when he barely missed cops patrolling the tunnel and smashed his silver Audi right into their ­police cruiser at about 8 p.m., authorities said.

After crashing into the cruiser, the unhinged man twice screamed “I want to kill cops” and struggled with officers trying to detain him, according to sources.

“He was putting up a fight,” said witness Michael Rosselli.