Black Drug Fiend Gets 30 Years for Severely Injuring White Policeman and Bystander

Penn Live
November 6, 2014

Officer Daniel Peiper has ‘tremendous physical injuries’ after the Black driver crashed into him.

The emotion was evident in his voice as a Dauphin County judge Tuesday afternoon sentenced a Harrisburg man to 29-1/2 to 59 years in state prison for causing a crash that severely injured a city policeman and a bystander.

Moments later, Christopher Slaughter’s family vowed to appeal.

President Judge Todd A. Hoover imposed his sentence in front of a standing room only crowd of city cops three months after a county jury convicted Slaughter, 31, of aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, fleeing police and drug possession charges for the April 2013 crash that injured Officer Daniel Peiper and city resident Selina Martin.

Police said they were following Slaughter after he fled a traffic stop and saw him run 10 stop signs before he slammed broadside into Peiper’s police vehicle at Forrest and Sixth streets. The impact flipped the police sport-utility vehicle onto Martin, who was sweeping her sidewalk. Cocaine was found in Slaughter’s vehicle after the wreck, investigators said.

Christopher Slaughter left the courtroom with his hands and feet shackled and a grin on his face.

Peiper and Martin are still struggling to recover from their injuries, First Assistant District Attorney Fran Chardo told Hoover. While Peiper has returned to duty with the police, “he probably will never be able to perform as he did before on the street level,” Chardo said.

Neither Peiper nor Martin spoke to the judge during the sentencing hearing. Peiper watched the proceeding, but Martin was absent. Chardo said she had just been discharged from the hospital after suffering medical problems.


Despite his “tremendous physical injuries,” Peiper believes his presence in the path of Slaughter’s vehicle served a purpose, Chardo said. “He felt God put him there to absorb the impact for a reason” in that it probably saved Martin’s life, the prosecutor said.

The crash severely injured the Police officer and a bystander.