Black Ex-Con Throws Hissy Fit and Demands to Represent Himself in White Female Murder Case

NY Post
August 1, 2015

Ana Charle was shot when she resisted the Negro’s attempts at raping her.

The ex-con charged with murdering a Bronx homeless shelter director is still fighting to act as his own attorney — ​and pulled a diva act over it Wednesday in Bronx Supreme Court.

“I’m not a supermodel. I don’t like people taking pictures of me,” sniffed West Spruill via video conference about the media presence in court.

“They have already played judge and jury and I respectfully object to them being here.”

West Spruill wants to defend himself, because the court lawyers kindly provided by the White man do not meet his high African standards.

Spruill, 39, again requested that he represent himself, saying he finds his court-appointed lawyer , Cesar Gonzales, unqualified.

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