Black Ex-Football Player Arrested For Murdering White Girlfriend

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

When it comes to the common occurrence of blacks murdering their white spouse, it’s kind of a catch-dindu.

On the one hand, it’s a universal fact that sub-Saharan Africans from the Congo to the Copacabana have an extraordinary rate of senseless violent crime.

On the other hand, only a special kind of perverse and crazy white whore willingly goes to bed with a negro. Even porn stars see it as beneath them (don’t mind the PC excuses they give).

Nevertheless, it’s a morbid combination. I don’t believe Jews are content with simple miscegenation. If that was true, high-income Asian or Indian men – considered the least attractive of all – would probably be an easier and less controversial sell. Yet, the only interracial couple you ever see promoted in the media is the black man and white woman (and rarely any other combination).

The only logical explanation for this is they want people to get killed in the process.

NY Daily News:

Utah authorities say a former Washington State football player is suspected of killing his wife.

Prosecutors said in a news release Friday that Anthony D. McClanahan has been arrested but not yet charged in the death of Keri “KC” McClanahan. She was found Thursday in a Park City hotel with knife wounds to her throat.

Anthony McClanahan was charged Friday with child kidnapping. Authorities say the 46-year-old took his 8-year-old son from an Arizona school on Oct. 3 without the mother’s permission, then traveled through Nevada and Utah.

That’s too bad. Who doesn’t love a sweet brunette.

I don’t know if you can hear me Keri, but right now in a parallel universe you got a couple of tots running around while you cook dinner and spot my benchpress in WHITE SHARIA utopia.

But in this world, you disqualified yourself by getting an ugly ass tattoo on your arm and hooking up with some random black dude. All for some Instagram likes.

Did you really want to die?

Oh well. Maybe next time, baby.