Brian Anderson
Down Trend
September 7, 2014

Meet Jay Williams, the most fertile, least accountable person in America. He has fathered an astounding 34 children with 17 different women. Appearing on the Oprah Winfrey network show Ilyanla: Fix my Life, he is the human embodiment of the black stereotype of irresponsible parenting and reproduction.
Williams’ children range in age from 3-years old to 26. Asked about his relationships with these offspring he says it goes from “excellent” to “non-existent.” A better question would have been to ask how many of the kids he supports financially. He claims to be a successful music video producer, but it’s hard to imagine him having the means to support 34 freakin’ kids.
Williams apparently started making babies when he was 15 years old. It’s unclear how old he is now, but even if he’s in his 40’s, which I doubt he is, that’s more than a baby a year for 3 decades.
“Let me ask you this question, Jay. Thirty-four children. At any point, did it dawn on you this is too much?” Iyanla asks.
“No,” answers Williams bluntly.
Ilyanla contimues, “So a child at 15, you never said, ‘let me use a condom?’”
“I did use condoms,” claims Williams
“How many?” She wants to know.
“I probably would have 200 kids if I didn’t use condoms,” he says with a slight smirk.
Ilyanla continues her obvious line of questioning: “Did it ever dawn on you ‘let me get a vasectomy?’”
“I don’t want one,” he says defiantly.
“But look what you created,” implores Ilyanla.
“I don’t have a problem with what I created,” he replies.
This exchange is from the season premier of Ilyanla:Fix My Life which airs tonight. I never thought I’d say this, but I am planning on watching something on OWN. There’s so much more about this prolific procreator that I want to know.
First and foremost, how may taxpayer dollars go to pay for his lack of restraint and responsibility? Also, aren’t there deadbeat dad laws? Shouldn’t this guy be behind bars for fathering 34 illegitimate children that he clearly can’t support?
I’m also curious if he has a problem with perpetuating the negative black stereotype of absentee fatherhood. Or if he feels any sort of responsibility to the lives he helped create.
I’ll update this if anything interesting arises from the full show. I’ll watch so you don’t have to. In the interest of knowledge I’m willing to take one for the team.