April 7, 2014

A 49-year-old woman found herself in a pile of trouble after investigators linked her to apparent human poop in an elevator at the St. Lucie County Courthouse in downtown Fort Pierce.
The case against Patricia Ann Jamison, of Lake Worth, got rolling March 7 after court security staff learned of what looked to be “human fecal matter in the corner of the left public elevator by the buttons,” according to recently released St. Lucie County Sheriff’s records.
A deputy reviewed security footage to see the last person in the elevator. The investigator spotted a woman in black-and-white, zebra-stripe pants and a black shirt get on the elevator on the first floor, exiting on the second. She walked away before getting on the left elevator.
The deputy reported that before the doors closed the woman “appears to pull her pants down and back up toward the interior elevator buttons consistent with someone using the bathroom,” records state.
“When the elevator arrived on the first floor the female was seen on camera fixing her pants and pulling her shirt out of her pants as if she pulled her pants up over her shirt,” records state.

Feces, also known as ordure, dung, stool, poo poo and feculence, typically is found in commodes or cow pastures, as opposed to public elevators.
Feces features prominently in this quote attributed to the late German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche:
“Many things about man are not very godly: whenever a person excretes feces, how can he be a god then? But it is even worse regarding the other feces we call sin: man still surely wants to retain this, and not excrete it. Now however, I must believe it: a person can be God and still excrete feces. Thus I teach you, excrete your feces and become gods.”
It should be noted that “Off the Beat” has no idea what this means.
Meanwhile, the woman was spotted walking in the public defender’s office where investigators got Jamison’s name.
She was arrested March 11 on a misdemeanor warrant for health safety nuisance injurious to health charge.