Black Female Smashes Glass in Man’s Face and Escapes Jail for the 18th Time

Daily Mail
August 14, 2014

Yasmin Thomas attacked Ronnie Lee with broken glass, leaving him with a deep gash just millimetres from his eye.

A woman who smashed a broken glass into a stranger’s face in a nightclub has been spared jail – despite it being her 18th conviction for assault.

Estate agent Yasmin Thomas, 21, left her male victim with serious eye injuries after she lunged at him with the potentially lethal object.

A court heard she has already been convicted for 17 crimes of assault and battery.

A judge branded Thomas’s criminal history ‘breathtaking’ and one of the worst he had ever seen of a woman her age.

But the female thug escaped with a 12-month sentence, suspended for two years, and 80 hours community service after pleading guilty to a charge of causing actual bodily harm.

She was also ordered to attend anger management classes.

Thomas attacked Ronnie Lee, whom she did not know, in Bar So nightclub in Bournemouth town centre after a row over an e-cigarette.

Thomas’s friend had snatched it from a friend of Mr Lee, and had thrown it on the floor.

Thomas has a record of violence which includes 17 previous convictions for assault.

Thomas then picked it up and thrust the device at Mr Lee, demanding: ‘Are you not going to say thank you? Who do you think you are?’

She then lunged towards Mr Lee with a broken glass, causing a serious gash to his left eyelid and two smaller cuts to his face.

The injuries were so close to his eye that Mr Lee feared he would lose his sight.

Tiny shards of glass were later removed from his eye.

Prosecuting, Carolyn Branford-Wood told Bournemouth Crown Court: ‘Miss Thomas, with a glass in her hand, lunged towards Mr Lee, who felt a blow to his left eye and blood trickling down his face.’

The court was told that Mr Lee was ‘very lucky’ not to have suffered any permanent damage following the brutal attack.

The Palmer Snell estate agents where Ms Thomas worked in Westbourne.

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