Black Females Brutally Beat Pregnant White Teen Wendy’s Worker Over Drinking Straws

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2016

NOTE: The above TV news report says there is “no description” of the attackers, while the below written news report from another local affiliate says they are Black.

If you’re going to allow Blacks in your country, the logical thing would be to keep them in cages like any other wild, dangerous animal.


A pregnant teenager was brutally beaten by two customers while on the job this weekend over the matter of drinking straws.

Witnesses say a fight broke out Sunday afternoon at a Wendy’s drive-thru off U.S. Highway 40 in Independence.

Tori Repine, 19, is three months pregnant and her face is covered in cuts and bruises. She is recovering at the hospital. An ultrasound shows her unborn baby to be OK.

“One of her co-workers called me and let me know she had been attacked,” said Heather Salcedo, the victim’s mother. “It was horrible.”

Witnesses say a purple Dodge Charger pulled through after making an order. An argument escalated into the violence.

“She said you forgot to give us our effin’ straws and she (Repine) said, ‘no ma’am, they’re in your bag,’” Salcedo said.

According to an Independence Police Department incident report, an officer wrote the victim had “multiple scratches” and marks on her face, neck, chest and arms.

Identical to a chimpanzee attack.


And we don’t let chimpanzees run lose on the streets for this specific reason – they would attack people and scratch their faces.

Repine was transported to a local hospital.

The report states a witness told police Repine was pulled through the window by two black females. A third person then exited the vehicle and began assaulting her. There was a fourth suspect, but the witness could not tell if that individual was a man or a woman.

With Blacks, it’s always a bit difficult to determine the sex if the individual Negro is wearing clothes.

Again, similar to chimpanzees.

The witness yelled that Repine was pregnant, but they continued the assault.

“If you would do something like this over straws and ketchup,” Salcedo said. “I’d hate to see what you would do to somebody if you were really upset.”

Ah, but it isn’t about straws, dear.

It’s about race.

Anything is an excuse to attack a White girl.

Salcedo, meanwhile, says her daughter has been released from the hospital and she’s resting comfortably at home. She found out at the hospital she’s expecting a baby boy. Doctors say the baby appears to be doing just fine.Salcedo says police have a good description of the suspects, the car and a license plate number.

No arrests have been made.

I have long argued that blaming Blacks for their behavior is stupid. This is just their natural, biologically-determined pattern of action.

We need to start holding the people who are responsible for this responsible for it: the White and Jew enablers of the Blacks.

This type of violence did not happen when Blacks were taught the truth – that they are lower than us and thus second-class citizens. They act this way now because they have been emboldened by the Jewish media and their White supporters.

That is who needs to be blamed for this and every other vicious act of Black violence against Whites.