Black Free Hug Guy with Jew-Sounding Name Punches White Girl in the Face When She Refused to Tip Him

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

Jermaine Himmelstein.

Why do we let Blacks – especially those with Jewish-sounding names – roam free in our cities?

Why are Blacks allowed near White girls?

If we lived in a functional society, these questions wouldn’t need to be asked.

New York Post:

The most recent victim of the slaphappy “free hugs” panhandler is furious the serial smacker is still out and about, attacking women who decline to share a gratis embrace.

“This guy has a long history of doing this,” the 31-year-old Sophie Violene Dauvoi, who spoke to The Post on the condition of anonymity, said as she recounted her ordeal with hug thug Jermaine Himmelstein. “It’s pretty outrageous that women can’t be safe in this city.”

The attack occurred Saturday when the woman was taking photos with her mother and friends in Union Square, and Himmelstein–who was found unfit to stand trial in a 2016 slap attack– appeared with his “free hugs” sign.

“I politely said ‘No’ to a hug and shook his hand,” the woman recalled.

“You respect what I’m doing right?” the 26-year-old responded before walking away.

She was looking down at a photo when mere moments later he ran up behind her and smacked her in the face, she said.

The sneaky strike “cut open my lip,” and knocked her glasses to the ground, she recounted.

Sophie Violene Dauvoi.