Black Fugitive Who Kidnapped White Girl Uploaded Videos Depicting Him as a Satanic Monster Enslaving the 14-Year-Old

March 3, 2014

Mark Edwards and Michaela Bruce
Mark Edwards and Michaela Bruce from his facebook page.

The black devil monster who brainwashed and kidnapped a small White woman-child has posted a series of eight bizarre, satanic videos on the internet.  Set to black metal music, the videos depict Mark Edwards as the monster he is, forcing the girl to submit to him.

From Dayton Daily News:

Edwards is being sought by Clark County law enforcement. Edwards and a 14-year-old neighbor, Michaela Bruce, went off together Sunday and have not been seen since.

His first, five-minute video, entitled “Slayers of the Covenant,” shows young women posed in a variety of suggestive costumes — reminiscent of vampire-like creatures. In one particular scene, a woman is pinned against a tree with knives surrounding her head as another blocks her from moving.

Edwards’ second video brings more “slayers” into the scenes with a tagline “See The Covenant grow, more slayers join the battle.” Pictures most likely found on the internet are integrated with shots of his “slayers” laying in coffin-like structures and holding guns. This video is also the first to feature Edwards costumed with long, dark hair and fully covered body. Seemingly random bystanders also join the video as they pose with Edwards.

The third video, “The Sertch!” shows Edwards perusing a mall after closing hours. While this video doesn’t show any “slayers,” Edwards is seen walking around a mall and shaking bars to closed stores.

The same girls used in the first two videos make brief appearances in the fourth video, entitled “You Know Who I Am.” His next video however, focuses mainly on himself. His pet alligator also makes brief appearance.

“Monsters!,” his seventh video, is a 45-second monologue describing the childhood notion of monsters under the bed. He explains to the camera “The thing about monsters is, you never know where they’re hiding.” No slayers are brought into this short piece, as only a partially covered Edwards and his brightly blue tinted eyes are front and center. The final video is mostly a compilation of found pictures — shiros, vampires and lycans.


Michaela was found