Black Gangs Drawing Up Lists of Girls to Rape

Daily Stormer
July 21, 2014

African languages do not differentiate between ‘rape’ and ‘sex’.

How is this any different to the behavior of the savages out in Africa, who also rape everything that moves? The only difference is that these ones in London are able to write down the names of their potential victims, so they don’t forget to rape them.

The Guardian:

London gangs are drawing up and disseminating lists of teenage girls whom they consider to be legitimate rape targets, as sexual violence is increasingly used to spread fear and antagonise rival groups.

The so-called sket lists (sket is street slang for “sluts”) have, according to youth workers, prompted attacks so brazen that girls have been dragged from school buses and sexually assaulted. Police and charities say they have recorded an increase in the use of sexual violence by gangs, including incidents of revenge rape, where the sisters and girlfriends of rival gang members are targeted. Claire Hubberstey, interim chief executive of Safer London Foundation, a charity working with young people to reduce crime, warns that gangs are using sexual violence in the same way that they use dangerous dogs to parade their masculinity.

Faceless Black gang members in London.
Faceless Black gang members in London.

Scotland Yard has confirmed that sexual violence against women by gangs is now “at the top of our agenda” following initiatives that have seen gun crime fall by 17% and knife crime offences by 11.5%. Det Supt Tim Champion of the Metropolitan police’s Operation Trident gang crime command, said: “The first thing we had to do is stop people killing each other. The focus now clearly is on women. It’s as prevalent as carrying a knife or a gun – raping a girl in a gang.”

Hubberstey said gang members were taking advantage of low conviction rates for rape, viewing sexual violence as a less-risky means to inflict pain on rivals or spread fear than carrying a weapon. “Criminals are clever, they know if they are caught carrying weapons they face a lengthy sentence; it’s risky carrying a gun. The use of sexual violence is the same sort of thing as having a dangerous dog; it creates fear, it’s non-traceable, and they are also taking advantage of low rape conviction rates even when there are witnesses,” she said.

The emergence of “sket lists” of young women considered eligible for attack is, say frontline youth workers, indicative of how gangs perceive that they can rape with near impunity. “They put the names of young women on a list and circulate through BBM [BlackBerry Messenger]. These women become active targets on the way home from school or wherever. They are legitimate targets to be raped and sexually assaulted if their name appears on a sket list,” said Hubberstey.