Black Gets 40 Years for Raping and Trafficking 4-Year-Old

MS News Now
December 14, 2013

Marco Laquin Rogers
Marco Laquin Rogers raped the four year old, passed her on to someone else, and videotaped the attack.

A man has been sentenced to 40 years in federal prison in a child sex trafficking case for the videotaped attack on a 4-year-old girl in Mississippi.

Marco Laquin Rogers, shackled and wearing a red prison uniform, hung his head as U.S. District Judge David Bramlette sentenced him Thursday in federal court in Jackson.

Rogers, who was living in Atlanta when he was arrested, apologized to the victim and her family.

In a letter read by a prosecutor, the girl’s mother called the 27-year-old Rogers a “monster” who stole her child’s innocence.

Another suspect, 27-year-old Jemery Atral Hodges, pleaded guilty in June and cooperated with authorities. He was previously sentenced to 23 years.

Authorities say both men sexually assaulted the child at a Jackson hotel in May 2012.