Black Gets 50 Years Jail Time for Murder of White Engineering Student

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

Shakur Sharp.

They only do this because of racism tho.

SW Times:

Shakur Shanden Sharp, 18, of Fort Smith was sentenced Monday to 50 years in state prison for crimes committed last year, including first-degree murder during an armed robbery.

For the death of Kaleb Watson, a 22-year-old engineering student, Sharp was sentenced to 30 years in the Arkansas Department of Corrections. Two consecutive 10-year sentences for aggravated robbery of Watson and Bailey Smith are attached to the 30-year sentence.

Tabor ruled the 10-year sentence for kidnapping to run concurrently with the 50-year sentence. Tabor also noted that Sharp would receive credit for time served so far since January 2016.

Sharp pleaded guilty to the charges in late September after having been granted a trial separation from former co-defendants James Sharp Jr. and Dionte Parks. Both teen are also charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping and armed burglary in connection with the homicide at 4700 Windsor Drive on Jan. 23, 2016.

All three defendants were denied a transfer to juvenile court in April. In May, attorneys for Parks and James Sharp Jr. appealed the decision by Tabor.

Kaleb Watson.