Black Gets Life for Beating White Man to Death with a Shovel

Daily Stormer
November 9, 2015

Jacorroyn Wilson
Jacorroyn Wilson

What a nasty thing. A shovel.

Imagine if a White man beat a Black man to death with a shovel.


Five months from arrest to conviction – justice was swift for a Texas man who bludgeoned a Logansport man to death earlier this year in an attempt to evade authorities.

For that, Jacorroyn Wilson, 24, will spend the rest of his life in prison. A DeSoto Parish jury last week convicted Wilson of second-degree murder in the May 2 death of Charles Worthington, 58.

Wilson will be sentenced Dec. 9 to the mandatory life sentence.

District Attorney Gary Evans said Wilson’s conviction is the third life sentence handed down this year in district court. He complimented his assistants, George Winston, Lea Hall and Hugo Holland, for getting the case to trial so quickly.

Wilson was arrested hiding in an attic in Tyler, Texas, days after he was named a suspect in Worthington’s death. DeSoto sheriff’s investigators connected Wilson to the murder after Deputy Lester Daniel had a run-in with him near the Seasons Apartments in Logansport.

Wilson resisted arrest and ran through a wooded area that took him to Worthington’s house on Bogle Road. He tried to steal one of Worthington’s vehicles, but because it had a steering problem Wilson drove it into a fence instead.

When Worthington came out of his house to check on the noise, Wilson beat him with a short garden shovel. Worthington suffered a cracked skull and shattered windpipe.

Wilson then stole another of Worthington’s vehicles, a pickup truck, and drove it to Tyler, where he abandoned it.

Worthington was White.

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