Black Gets Life for Brutal Nonsense Attack on White Clerk

Daily Stormer
January 20, 2016


Without an understanding of evolutionary biology, it is impossible to ever explain Black behavior.


A man requested to see a bottle of cologne at the store where Zoila Nova worked in Plainfield, but what happened when she turned to show him has stayed with her every day.

It was Oct. 5, 2013, when the man, James Knight, shot Nova in the chest, authorities said. They said when his gun jammed, he used weapon to hit her in the head, and finally beat her with a chair.

“When I walk, I walk in fear,” Nova wrote in a statement that was read in court today. “I live in fear. People like (Knight), why should he be allowed to be free?”

Moments later, Superior Court Judge Robert Mega imposed a life sentence, ordering that Knight, now 59, serve at least 63 years before he could become eligible for parole.

Mega noted that Knight had a criminal record dating back to 1977. He said that Knight had cased the store before he attempted to rob Nova.

“The defendant knew the victim was alone and she was unsuspecting,” Mega said. He added that Knight showed no remorse.