Black Goes on Knockout Rampage Punching White People in the Face Before Escaping in Getaway Car

March 2, 2014

Tony Behnke was the second victim of the Black thug that night. The other victim had a fractured jaw and had a friend who was also attacked the weekend before.

Ames police are investigating multiple reports of a man randomly punching people in the face.

Two assaults were reported on the same day, Feb. 16.

The people reported to police that a man punched them in the face in two separate incidents.

Tony Behnke relives the moments before he was attacked in the early hours of Feb. 16. It was sometime after 3:30 a.m. in the 200 block of Stanton Avenue in Ames.

“About halfway down the block a guy got out of a car and started following me down the street,” said Behnke. “He followed me pretty closely. It always sounded like he was increasing pace. It kept scaring me.”

The Iowa State sophomore slowed down and tried to let the man pass him.

“I heard him just right behind me and I heard a couple steps and then I felt the hit to my side and I was on the ground,” said Behnke.

Before he could get up, the man had run away.

“After he hit me, him and his buddies just started laughing — got in the car. He didn’t steal anything, nothing like that, but it just seemed like a joke to them,” said Behnke.

The amount of images in the media using a White fist instead of a Black one to illustrate the ‘knockout game’ is incredible. There shouldn’t even be one, let alone many.

What Behnke didn’t realize was minutes before another man was also assaulted at the intersection of Hayward Avenue and Knapp Street. That man suffered a broken jaw.

Behnke said he suffered a concussion.

Sean White said another attack happened to his friend just this past Saturday night, but the friend was lucky.

“He got out of the car and just run up and and he kind of punched, but he slipped on the ice as he punched him,” said White.

Behnke said he is confident his attack was part of what is called the “knockout game,” which are crimes reported across the USA where suspects attempt to knock out or sucker punch a victim.

Ames police can’t confirm that the incidents are related to a knockout game, but they can say they’re similar.

“It’s still very scary. I can’t walk home at night without thinking about it,” said Hehnke.

Police said the man involved was a black male about 6 feet tall with dreadlocks that might have had yellow or highlighted tips.

Anyone with information on the cases should contact the Ames Police Department at 515-239-5230 or Story County Crime Stoppers at 515-382-7577. You can also text the word “STORYCOUNTY” plus your tip to 274637 (CRIMES). Crime Stoppers will provide a reward for information leading to the arrest or conviction.