Daily Stormer
July 27, 2014
The offensiveness of this “White Privilege” crap is being recognized by the establishment. Their conferences are being shut down, and no one wants to touch anyone who pushes it.
I’m not sure this means that people are waking up, or if it is just this term, which comes across as so patently ridiculous that people are embarrassed to be linked to it. I’d say it’s probably a little bit of both.
And it’s a win. Any time black people don’t get away with something, it is a win.
One Republican campaign consultant is out of a job after making some “defamatory comments” about her employer’s primary opponent.
According to the Hartford Courant, Connecticut state Rep. Penny Bacchiochi, who is gearing up to run for lieutenant governor, fired consultant Regina V. Ross Roundtree after Roundtree, who is black, wrote a controversial Facebook post about “white privilege” that mentioned Bacchiochi’s Republican-primary opponent Heather Bond Somers. The news site reports that Somers called on Bacchiochi to reject the “defamatory comments” that included “outrageous assertions about Heather Somers and her campaign.”
The post contained the following:
People think what they think, but help the party out and don’t plaster your complete sense of privilege. This is an example of what is sometimes phrased as ‘white privilege.’ The way Heather talks. The arrogance and belittlement of Penny’s and her family’s feelings or any other person who has experienced racism. Our feelings or the fact that we may say something is an embarrassment to the party.
Part of why people are afraid of this may be that it makes blacks look so goofy, and almost blows the whole “equality” charade by itself. If they are so incapable that they must invent a new hidden force which they are unable to define – a force beyond “racism,” which they can at least define even though they can’t prove it exists – to explain why they fail so constantly, then no one can take them seriously.
The blacks themselves don’t understand that they are over-saturating, as they tend not to understand very much, generally.

All in all, it appears “White guilt” has about peaked, as the ever-escalating whining of the blacks just makes it that much easier for us to point out the situation to our kin.