Black Guy Knocks Out White Girl – Pack of Different Blacks Rob Her Unconscious Body

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2017

I’m surprised that the pack that came after didn’t drag away her body to rape her.

Beating and robbery without rape… maybe our program to civilize the blacks is working…?


It’s a breathtaking, horrifying and jaw-dropping moment caught on surveillance video which has Pittsburgh Police investigating and deeply concerned.

“They don’t treat animals like that. They wouldn’t treat a dog that way,” says a Pittsburgh woman whose daughter is seen being beaten and lying unconscious on a sidewalk in the video.

A surveillance camera captured the incident in Beechview more than a month ago. It shows a man walk up to the woman, kick her leg out and punch her in the face, knocking her out cold. The man then walks away from the scene.

The next moments may be more disturbing. One young man walks up to the woman, looks at her motionless body, then pulls out his phone and takes a video. Four more young people do the same.

A source who provided KDKA’s Get Marty with the video said in a text, “They didn’t help her. They took what looks like her phone while she’s out cold.”

One of the young people can be seen in the video clip bending down near the woman and picking something up.

The source also said of the group of young people, “They actually come back. A kid lays beside her and takes a selfie.”

A source close to the investigation said the woman ended up lying on the sidewalk until she regained consciousness.