Black Habitual Rapist Charged with Groping White Man’s Butt

August 26, 2015

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Colby Rainey was in a parking lot when the ape came up to him and groped his butt right out of the blue.

Michael Martin Sanchez has a history of sexual crimes targeting men and women.

He is in jail again, charged with groping a man in Olathe.

Colby Rainey said Sanchez groped him in the parking lot of an Olathe hardware store.

“He came up to me real nonchalantly and said, ‘Hey, how are you doing today?’ Then, he reached around and grabbed me on the butt,” Rainey said.

Rainey said he didn’t know what to think.

Michael Martin Sanchez has been charged with five sex crimes just in the last five years, but he is still being allowed to live among White people.

“I was more confused and concerned than anything,” Rainey shared.

Rainey said he was at the store with his young son when Sanchez approached him in the parking lot. He said when a stranger comes up and gets in your space like Sanchez did, it raises red flags.

Rainey said he made sure his son was safe in the car, then Sanchez reached around and grabbed his butt.

Police say Sanchez is a registered sex offender who has been charged with five sex crimes and one county of battery in the past five years.

“I didn’t feel like I needed to defend myself so I told him to walk away and he walked away,” Rainey stated.